Survey Says: NSCW Survey Results Unveiling on January 16th

Survey Results Incoming!

As we gear up to celebrate National School Choice Week in 2024, we are thrilled to announce that we will be unveiling the results of our recent survey on January 16th, 2024

We believe that every child deserves access to high-quality education that meets their unique needs and prepares them for success. The survey is designed to capture the diverse perspectives of K-12 parents, emphasizing the importance of school choice.

We understand that waiting for the survey results can be exciting, so while you anticipate the release, we would like to invite you to take a sneak peek into the thoughts and preferences of parents across the nation from our past surveys. This exclusive glimpse will provide insights into what lies ahead, offering a deeper understanding of the educational landscape in America.

Explore our past surveys:

  1. New Survey: School’s Out (for Summer) but Switching Is In (June 2023)
  2. New Survey: America’s Families are Rethinking K-12 Education (January 2023)
  3. More than Half of American Families Look(ing) for a New School (January 2022)
  4. Hispanic Parents September 2022 Survey
  5. How Parents Feel About School Choices (Fall 2020)

We are committed to providing parents with the resources and support they need to make informed decisions about their education. We believe that by sharing the results of our survey, we can empower parents to make the best choices for their children.

If you’re looking for information about school options for your family, we recommend checking out our Ultimate Guides and State Guides for each sector. If you are a journalist reporting on education matters, we encourage you to explore our coverage resources.